What is the difference between Phra Chai Ayutthaya and Phra Ngang?
1. Phra Chai: sharp face or Chinese face, beautiful face, pointed nose Phra Ngang amulets have a larger nose and a Ngang's face, most of them are not as beautiful as the Buddha images. Some of them have crooked lips, big noses, or have fangs. Overall, their faces are somewhat more aggressive than Phra Chai.
2. Some Chais will have Sanghati. But Phra Ngang has no Sangha.
3. Phra Chai in the back does not have a loop around the waist. Phra Ngang has both back ring and no back ring, but there will always be other points that are different.
4. Phra Chai hands will coordinate in a normal way, or one hand is placed on the lap of the Buddha image. But Phra Ngang has a linguist set up between the hands. some monks The thumb will be raised to one side. And the normal hand-to-hand style, but there are only a few. But there will always be other points that are different.
5. Phra Chaiket will always be straight. Most of the Phra Ngang Ket will tilt left or right or straight, but there will always be other points that are different.
6. Most amulets are portable size from 2 inches to more than 4 inches, but Phra Chai will be size from 2.5 inches but most of them are 3 inches to 7 inches or more.
7. Most of the Chai bases are higher and may have multiple bases. But Phra Ngang will be a normal fish listening base.
>>>Written by Phat Mahavet on October 19, 2014
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